
There are two ways to support this ministry. The first is prayer. We need and covet your prayers for the leaders of this ministry, those who need addiction and recovery services, and their support systems. As James says:

Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

James 5:16

The second way to support this ministry is financially. Please pray about monetarily supporting this ministry and if you are led to financially support this ministry, follow these instructions. Fill out the information below and select from the sub-fund if you would like to support the general fund or the housing fund. The differences are shown below.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support of this ministry.

Ground Zero

General Fund

  • sponsor individuals into programs
  • outreach opportunities
  • provide Bibles

Housing Fund

  • fundraising for a discipleship house
  • Biblical discipleship and life skill instruction
  • Click here for more info


  • Select the dollar amount
  • Select the sub-fund (general or housing)
  • Select the frequency (one-time, weekly, etc)
  • Click next (this will open a secure new page to fill out your information)